

Refund Policy

Thank you for choosing Talent-GQ for your learning needs. We strive to ensure that your experience with our courses is enriching and valuable. However, we understand that there may be instances where you need to request a refund. Please read the following refund policy carefully to understand the terms and conditions that govern refunds for our courses

General Terms and Conditions:

  1. Agreement: By purchasing a training course on Talent-GQ, you agree to abide by our Privacy Policy, Terms of Use, and Refund Policy.
  2. Refund Window: Refund requests can only be entertained within 7 days of the purchase of the course, provided that no services have been utilized, including access to the Learning Management System (LMS), masterclass sessions, or any soft skill classes.

For Self-Paced Learning:

  1. Refund requests must be raised within 7 days of purchasing the course
  2. Money-back guarantee is void if the participant has logged into the course.
  3. Refunds will not be accepted beyond 7 days of purchasing the course
  4. Refund is not applicable on discounted or subsidized course fees; the only option is to change the course.

For Instructor-Led Training:

  1. Refund requests must be raised within 7 days of purchasing the course.
  2. Money-back guarantee is void if the participant has logged into the e-learning course or has attended Online Classrooms/received recordings for more than 1 day.
  3. Refunds will not be accepted beyond 7 days of purchasing the course.
  4. Refund is not applicable on discounted or subsidized course fees; the only option is to change the course.

Cancellation & Refunds: Classroom Training:

  1. Talent-GQ reserves the right to postpone/cancel an event due to various reasons.
  2. Refunds will be provided if Talent-GQ cancels an event within 10 days of the cancellation date.
  3. Participants are entitled to a rescheduling of their course or a refund of 90% of the total paid fee if they cancel their registration 10 business days (or more) prior to the event.
  4. No refunds will be made for cancellations done within 10 business days (or less) of the event.
  5. Refunds are not applicable on discounted or subsidized course fees.

Initiating a Refund Request:

  1. Refund requests must be initiated by sending an email to finance@talentgq.com.
  2. The email should include payment proof, course details, and the reason for the refund.

Refunds for Duplicate Payments:

  • Refund of duplicate payments will be processed via the same source (original method of payment) within 10 working days post intimation by the customer

Revision of Policy:

  • Talent-GQ reserves the right to revise the terms & conditions of this policy without any prior notice.

Please note that all refunds will be processed within 10 working days after the refund request is approved by Talent-GQ.

Important Note:

  • Talent-GQ or associated teams or trainers do not provide job offers, placement guarantees, or any visa-related claims.

Terms & Conditions Apply

If you have any further queries or require assistance regarding our refund policy, please feel free to reach out to us.

Thank you for choosing Talent-GQ.

Talent-GQ Team